Japan team: Sales Day 2019 was wonderful!

Hear more about Sales Day feedbacks from Japan team, stay positive and get ready for next year!


Thank you for giving us a great opportunity to participate in VNA Sales Day.

We really appreciate the HDQ for organizing such a big event. On behalf of Team JP, I would like to give some feedbacks and suggestions for next year’s event.


1, All JP staff express appreciation for VNA to organize such a great and iconic event. It was so wonderful !

2, It was a good opportunity to learn more about the company’s direction and vision, to become the No.1 airline in Asia. So awesome !

3, Detailed presentations from Department Directors were so easy to understand, helping us elaborate a lot of issues. Smart!

4, Q&A with C level executives was so impactful. Hopefully new policies will be realized soon. Motivation UP!!

5, VAECO trip was so interesting and useful to understand the safety policy of VNA. Knowledge!

6,The event was so contemporary both in Presentation and Gala Dinner. We really loved the real time voting system. Creative!

7, Gala Dinner was a good occasion to improve relationships with other branches. Everyone was friendly, helpful, we truly learned a lot. So much fun time!!

Japan team at Sales Day 2019.

(Next time)

1, We would like to request more field trip to other aviation related sites, also a visit to the HDQ would be nice, we will have more opportunities to hold discussions with departments…

2, The visit time was limited so we couldn’t see much of the facilities. Please arrange better schedules next time.

3, The presentations from branches are good case studies, it would be great if they are available for sharing so that we may learn and apply new sale techniques.

4, Hotel handling: Long queue at Hotel check-in, it was so flooded and confused. As for hotel accommodation, we prefer to stay in single room no matter the cost.

5, Shorter travelling time would be preferred or even weekday implementation would be acceptable.

On behalf of Japan team – Jungo Morita

Spirit Vietnam Airlines
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