Introducing ‘VNA World’ column on internal news

With the purpose of offering the most up-to-date news resources for foreign employees, from October 23, VNA Internal Communications is delighted to launch the new English column – ‘VNA World’ on internal news website.


This site covers latest stories of Vietnam Airlines, its subsidiaries and its branches around the world including business activities, products and services, competent employees, world aviation news relating to Vietnam Airlines…

'VNA World' provides a distinctive, independent content that might not be available on the classic Vietnamese site. The content of "VNA World" is designed to serve English-speaking readers.

Introducing 'VNA World' column on internal news.

Internal Communications highly recommends Vietnam Airlines’ employees at all international branches to share related content to: This should include markets’ newsworthy stories, inspirational colleagues, global aviation news with images and videos. Articles posted on this site are entitled to receive attractive royalties from Vietnam Airlines.

Along with continuous development of the internal site, the establishment of 'VNA World' will improve employee engagement as the communication hub for staff around the world. 

Previously, on June 25, the internal platform has been renewed with innovative , friendly and modern layout design in line with the latest web development trends such as eMagazine, animated banner, HD quality video, insert-able emoticons…to help VNA members interact more easily and effectively with just a few clicks.

Internal Communications Team 

Spirit Vietnam Airlines
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