Highlight of Commercial Group: Vietnam Airlines Sales Day 2019

For the first time, more than 300 VNA sales staff will have the opportunity to gather at “Vietnam Airlines Sales Day 2019”, a large scale event held on the 16th and 17th of February.


The event will give VNA sales staff a greater understanding of the vision, mission, remuneration policies of VNA and together share our goals for 2019. "Vietnam Airlines Sales Day 2019" intended to foster conversation and learnings about new policies and tools for sales support and enable salespeople to achieve what they do.

alt text"Vietnam Airlines Sales Day 2019" brings together more than 300 attendants.

One of the highlights of "Vietnam Airlines Sales Day 2019" is the "The best sale team" vote. Accordingly, VNA branches will give presentations on their own experience and sales solutions. These will be uploaded to the new Mobile App created by Marketing & Sales, IT and Corporate Communications and Branding Department. Employees will vote for the best solution for "The best sale team" on the Mobile App. The first ever winners will be announced and awarded at the event.

“Vietnam Airlines Sales Day 2019” is a one-of-a-kind event gathering more than 300 people including members from Board of Directors, Department Directors, Division Managers, Sales executive of all related departments. Moreover, the Directors/Deputy Directors of the branches in charge of sales, sale representatives of domestic branches; local employees of foreign branches and personnel of VNA's general agents would be present on that day.

This marks the first time VNA organizing Sales Day which preparations were taking place even before Lunar New Year holiday. The airline hopes this event will help to inspire and shine a spotlight on teams/individuals with greatefforts and dedication.

Spirit Vietnam Airlines
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