[Customer Service Conference 2018] Orientation for Service Improvement from 2019 to 2021

On October 26th, VNA held Customer Service Conference 2018 in Hoi An with the goal of looking back at the quality of VNA services since its first four-star certification (2016) and reviewing the implementation process for targeted programs and services in 2018.


Overview of the Service Conference in Hoi An.

Attending the conference were Mr. Pham Ngoc Minh – Chairman of VNA, Mr. Duong Tri Thanh – President and CEO, members of BOD, EVPs, heads of departments, companies, subsidiaries of VNA, and all station managers across the world.

Mr. Duong Tri Thanh delivers his opening speech.

Opening the conference, Mr. Duong Tri Thanh reaffirmed the development of VNA since the time the corporation received its first 4-star certificate. In 2018, VNA's service quality has been constantly improving to reach over 90% of Skytrax’s 4-5 star criteria. In addition to the airline’s achievements in the past few years, VNA still has a lot to do to strengthen the quality of 4-star service, heading towards 5-star quality. Mr. Thanh stressed that this would be the main topic of this year’s Customer Service Conference and this would be a leap for VNA to renovate its service quality to the next level.

At the conference, Mr. Trinh Anh Thang – Deputy Director of Passenger Service Department (PSD) presented an evaluation of the implementation process of 4-star quality upgrading programs during 2016-2018 and a report on the overall analysis of service quality through various criteria in order to determine the current standing, level and weak points of VNA.

Mr. Trinh Anh Thang, Deputy Director of PSD presented at the conference.

PSD’s report mentioned VNA’s limitations that need to be meliorated in 2018. In order to find solutions to improve the overall quality of its services, the service units have established 04 research groups with the goal of improving the overall service quality for the period 2019-2021, including:

– Group 1: Upgrading the overall quality of ground services

– Group 2: Upgrading the overall service quality on air

– Group 3: Service recovery solution

– Group 4: Solutions for the supply chain of VNA

After that, on behalf of the research groups, Mr. Ngo Hong Minh, Director of PSD presented service orientations and upcoming plans to upgrade products and services of VNA for the period 2019-2021.

Mr. Ngo Hong Minh, Director of PSD, presented service upgrading orientations of VNA for the period 2019-2021.

In the next part of the conference, Mr. Phan Ngoc Linh, Director of Crew Division, presented the achievements of the Crew Division which contributed in improving VNA service quality during the period 2016-2018 and proposed solutions to meet the targets of 2019-2021 period, including human resource management, education, improving procedures and service skills, product launch activities, service quality (especially on routes to Japan), training and building servicing style embedded with Vietnamese and VNA cultural identity.

Director of Crew Division Mr. Phan Ngoc Linh talked about Crew Division’s achievements and future solutions.

With the goal of stabilizing and improving the quality of 4-star service, VNA will has to reach at least 4 to 4.5-star service by 2020, and become the premise for the 5-star quality objective in 2021, according to Skytrax assessment:

  • Year 2019: Overall Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI): 3.8. Net Promoter Score (NPS): 28. VNA is a 4-star service based on SkyTrax assessment.
  • Year 2020-2021: CSI: 4.0. NPS: 30. Maintain stable quality of 4-star service and proceed to 5-star according to SkyTrax.

To achieve the aforementioned objectives, VNA should focus on five key areas:

1/ Service: Perfect and upgrade criterions as committed to Skytrax, meet new service trends, personalize services, increase automation process, reduce ground time.

2/ Control: Apply software technology and IT system in controlling service provision; strengthening inspection, quality control of services, compliance with prescribed procedures through evaluation criterions, quality management services.

3/ Cost management: Cost target of 2019 needs to be equaled or lower than 2018’s cost, effectively rationalize and avoid excessive expense in work; increase application of IT solutions in order to enhance labor productivity and the efficient use of resources.

4/ Human resource: Each company, department, member of VNA must consistently view customer orientation as the center in all production and business activities of the whole system. Among those, humans are the decisive factor to complete the task, from which exploring solutions to improve the quality of human resources. Turning the opportunity of processing abnormal, defective system into the opportunity of conquering customers. Turning abnormalities, defects of the system into opportunities to conquer customers.

5/ Quality management system: Promote the role and effectiveness of the quality management system at the PSD and all the service units.

Mr. Duong Tri Thanh instructed that all Sectors had to closely cooperate and strive to implement the proposed solutions to strengthen service quality by 2019, in order to reach the 5-star goal in 2021.

Internal Communications Team

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