Cambodia team: “an event filled with with energy and commitment”

The internal communication team received a lot of positive feedbacks from oversea staff regarding the recent Sales Day. Let’s take a look at the feedbacks from Cambodia team!



Sales team from Cambodia branch highly appreciates HDQ management and staff for the ideas, efforts in organizing Sales Day for us. It was a great opportunity for networking, experience-sharing with colleagues from all over the world, getting updated policies, trend and orientation from Top Management. Especially, we could see the commitment and exciting energy from Chairman and CEO. From our side, we will try out best to bring that exciting Vietnam Airlines energy to our customers.

Cambodia team together with the South East Asia alliance.

The event was quite well organized and managed. Certainly it was not easy to set up a series of events for more than 300 people, from the beginning to the end. It was as smooth as a Dreamliner flight.

Furthermore, the introduction of Event App was a great change in our company. People can deliver questions easily without any hesitations. We can see presentations, photos, agenda any time we need. If possible please improve the app by adding a notification function whenever there is an update on schedules  so that we can follow easier.

Looking forward to next year Sales Day!

– Cambodia team

Spirit Vietnam Airlines
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