American Airlines and TSA test new bag-screening tech

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is working with American Airlines to trial a new baggage scanner at the Terminal 8 security checkpoint at New York JFK airport.


The new computed tomography (CT) scanner is an evolution of the existing 2D devices that are used at the majority of security checkpoints throughout the world.

CT scans are three-dimensional, which American Airlines says gives operators better visibility and allows them to rotate the image of the bag 360 degrees to show the contents of carry-on items from every angle.

The TSA claims the technology enhances security officers’ ability to check bags for explosives and other prohibited items.

New baggage scanner at the Terminal 8 security checkpoint at New York JFK airport (Cre: Buying business travel).

American Airlines says the new scanners could even allow passengers the ability to leave their liquids, gels, aerosols and laptops in their bags in the future.

David Pekoske, administrator at the TSA, said: “Use of CT technology substantially improves TSA’s threat detection capability at a checkpoint. This partnership will allow us to deploy new technology quickly and see an immediate improvement in security effectiveness.”

Jose Freig, chief security officer at American Airlines, added: “At American, we are always looking at ways to invest in technology that raises the bar on global aviation security while improving the customer experience. Our partnership with Analogic Corporation [makers of the CT scanners] and the TSA will continue to transform aviation security by bringing state-of-the-art CT technology to the security checkpoint.”

The CT scanners are expected to go into operation at JFK later this month. It is also being tested in Phoenix, Arizona and Boston.

Cre: Buying business travel

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