“Always trust and choose Vietnam Airlines”

For the first time, Lotusmiles members were invited to taste and help choose the dishes to be served on VNA’s Business Class. The tasting event has left great impression on Mr. Luong Ngoc Bao, Deputy Director of Vinatrans and also a Platinum Lotusmile member.


Under Culinary Ambassador Luke Nguyen’s guidance, guests were invited to taste and vote for 2 dishes among Northern cuisines – Cha ca La Vong (La Vong tumeric grilled fish), Bun cha with crab spring rolls (Kebab rice noodles with crab spring rolls), and Hue cuisines – Ram it cake (Sticky rice dumpling on a pancake), Bun bo Hue (Hue-style beef vermicelli soup).

Lotusmile had a quick intervew with one of the guests who attended the event – Mr. Luong Ngoc Bao, Deputy Director of Vinatrans and Platinum Lotusmiles member.

Mr. Luong Ngoc Bao – Platinum Lotusmiles member with Mr. Trinh Ngoc Thanh, EVP of VNA and Global Cuisine Ambassador Luke Nguyen took photos after the tasting event.

Lotusmiles: This is the first time Lotusmiles members participated to select the “Signature Dish” to be served on Business Class. What is your impression so far?

Mr. Luong Ngoc Bao: I am honored to be selected as a representative for VNA customers in general and for Lotusmiles members in particular to express my opinion on the signature dishes. The event was very informative and give me clearer understanding not only on VNA’s ideas and aims when selecting meals, but also the challenges and the solutions when serving these meals on flights. I could also perceive respect from VNA towards the customers and also the company’s willingness to understand customer needs to improve services even better.

Lotusmiles: So how did you feel about the dishes? Which dishes did you choose?

Mr. Luong Ngoc Bao: Overall, all the dishes are delicious, well-prepared, eye-catching decorated that is suitable to serve Business Class passengers. I voted for Bun cha with crab spring rolls representing Northern cuisines and Ram It representing Hue cuisines.

The grilled pork in Bun cha was prepared exquisitely and the taste was delicious. But alternatives should be considered to serve Muslim passengers. The Ram It cake was yummy and nicely decorated. It would be even better if VNA’s signature colors, yellow and blue, were added to the decoration of the dish. However, I think one of the challenges would be serving meals with the right taste as Vietnamese cuisines in general require many different spices and herbs.

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The dishes of Bun cha with crab spring rolls and Ram It cake chosen by Mr. Luong Ngoc Bao.

Lotusmiles: Do you realize any changes of VNA in general and Lotusmiles program in particular recently when VNA was recognized as a leading 4-star global airline? In your opinion, what should be improved?

Mr. Luong Ngoc Bao: I am a VNA’s loyal customer for life (laugh). In the past, even when some of VNA products were not good enough for me, I still chose VNA because I wanted to support the national airlines. And now when VNA has reached 4-star arline standards and the products have been improved much better, I feel like my trust and decision to fly with VNA are well worth it. I did try to fly with other domestic airlines once but I had to drop the return flight ticket afterwards due to their poor customer service.

I can perceive that VNA’s products have gained significant improvements: new modern aircrafts, on-time flight schedule, great customer service with such enthusiasm from ground staff to in-flight staff, etc. Brand recognition of VNA through short videos shown on flights, through Facebook and the press were also improved.

I have been Platinum Lotusmiles member since 1999. The membership service and support have made many significant progresses, for example quick reward redeem. Enthusiastic customer support, and most impressively, the member was called by their own name everytime they contact the Lotusmiles center. I believe this personalized approach resulted in customer satisfaction and make the customers feel respected.

On the other hand, along with many outstanding incentives, the Lotusmiles Program has increased its recognition among many passengers. In addition to incentives when flying with VNA and SkyTeam, Lotusmiles members are also received many offers from various areas such as banking, hotels, telecommunications, insurance, shopping, car rental, etc. By this way, I believe that the Lotusmiles Program has created an ecosystem to serve its customers and make their life fulfilled.

As far as I know, there are a number of Lotusmiles members being upgraded through their use of services from VNA’s partners such as spending by credit cards. I can see that this upgrade helps improving collaboration between VNA and its partners, however I would argue that those members who upgrade by accumulating Miles should be appreciated better.

Lotusmiles: As being a frequent traveller who has flew with many different airlines, can you please share us which foreign airline impresses you the most? And why?

Mr. Luong Ngoc Bao: Each airline makes its own signature marks but Lufthansa impresses me because of the attentively enthusiastic service attitude of the flight attendants or when flying with Swissair, the passengers were given a key lock bearing Swissair’s logo as a souvenir gift. I believe this is a smart marketing and brand recognition strategy from Swissair. I hope that VNA will also find its own direction and make a great impression with its customers.

Mr. Luong Ngoc Bao was honored to be chosen to represent VNA’s customers in general and Lotusmiles members in particular to give his opinions and selections of the main courses for Business class meals.

Lotusmiles: Please accept our sincere thanks for always trust and choose VNA. We wish you great health and good luck.

Mr. Luong Ngoc Bao: I would like to express my wish for VNA to grow even more and become the leading airlines of the region.

Dịch: Thanh Hương – TTBSP

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